
Job Depth

Art Direction

Packaging Design

Logo Design 




Liquor & Spirits

Audience Research

Market Research



Celebrating The Rich Tapestry of West African History and Culture With The Authentic Essence of Akpetshie.

The Case

Akpeteshie has been a popular drink in West Africa since the Nomadic period. They were often drunk by those a part of the Ewe, Akan, and Gadangbe tribes. After West Africa became colonized by the British and they outlawed the drink, akpeteshie was being distilled in secret. However, in recent years, the native drink has gained popularity but has a negative reputation attached to it by upper class individuals.


1) Akpeteshie is still drunk during special occasions and events by West Africans.

2) Despite being a part of tribes, West Africans find connection with each other through shared traditions and values.

3) Akpeteshie is often produced by small families for generations in the rural areas of West Africa.

The Solution

Produce a collection of Akpeteshie that reflects the cultural roots of West Africa from a high grade position.

Adinkra Morphology

The essence of Anita lies in its profound mission: to reignite the vibrancy of Ghanaian culture and heritage, which had been overshadowed by decades of colonialism. With a firm commitment to this objective, Anita's visual identity draws heavily from West African traditions and values. Central to this narrative are the Adinkra Symbols from Ghana, each encapsulating a profound cultural concept or aphorism. In a masterstroke of symbolism, each variant of Anita is intertwined with a specific Adinkra, forging a seamless union between the drink and the timeless values it embodies.

Ad Campaign

Akpeteshie holds significant cultural significance across West Africa, with a rich history dating back to colonial times when it was clandestinely distilled. Today, it remains a beloved beverage, often enjoyed at social gatherings and celebrations. In this advertising approach, the ads honor this legacy by incorporating images concealed within the silhouette of a bottle, highlighting Anita's role as an official brand of Akpeteshie liquor. This strategy not only pays homage to the forgotten aspects of this traditional spirit but also accentuates Anita's distinctiveness as a celebratory twist on the beloved gin.

Behind The Design


The Baldwin House | Branding


Emend | Branding