Emission Missions

Job Depth

Publication Design



Art Direction


Non-fiction Publication


Historical Research

Exposing the truth about Conflict pollution and its effects environment and people.

The Case

Conflict pollution is a very under-talked topic when it comes to discussions about the effects of war. It is reported that Military activity produces up to 5.5% of emissions that occur within the world. This type of pollution also decimates different climates and agriculture as well as causes adverse changes to the locals that live within them.


1) Military activity is estimated to be responsible for 5.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions globally.

2) Conflict pollution can cause very severe devastation towards ecosystems and local biomes, resulting in adverse consequences such as starvation, cancer, birth defects, and more.

3) Military Emissions reporting to the UN Framework Convention is poor due to the Paris Agreement.

The Solution

Produce a publication that discusses conflict pollution and the effects it has had on the world within recent history.

Storytelling infographics

During times of war, pictures from journalists are very essential to creating narratives around situations and their stakes. However, like anything else, they have the ability to be manipulated and meticulously picked in order to further said narrative. In this creative concept, images from wars of the past are being implemented into infographics about the real world effects of conflict pollution on the environment and people. Not only does this visual style create a powerful sentiment about war, but it also makes it hard to separate these consequences from the military technology and activity that causes it.

Ad Campaign

When war ends, its impact doesn’t cease. In this campaign strategy, the focus of each ad is overlaid with imagery that is representative of the effects of conflict pollution i.e. displacement, environmental hazards, etc. This art direction evokes curiosity and helps show pictures that we are used to seeing during times of conflict in a different light than we’re used to. 


It Takes A Village Collab | Giving Tuesday Ad Campaign


CYPHER | Publication