From Around Here

Job Depth

Art Direction






Exploring The vast diversity of English Dialects within the united States

The Case

Dialects are a very integral part of identity within the United States. They are vernacular reflections of a region’s history as well as vital links for identities and communities within the country. However, in recent years, many linguists have started to raise concerns about English varieties disappearing due to increased mobility and expanding channels of communication.


1) There are over 30 dialects spoken within the U.S. such as Southern English, African American Vernacular, and much more.

2) Dialects can be formed and modified by a variety of factors such as race, religion, region, class, etc.

3) Dialects can either be favored or stigmatized based on stereotypes and perceptions from non-speakers of a certain dialect.

The Solution

Design a digital exhibition on the diversity of dialects within the United States.

A Different kind of Road Trip

Nothing is as fun as the open road! Not only is it a great way to become closer to your trip companions, it is also an interactive experience that allows you to gain greater knowledge about different areas of the country. In this concept, the exhibition experience will use roadtrip motifs and imagery that will take the viewer on an educational journey of the dialects of the U.S. This concept will make the subject very intriguing and eye-catching while also maintaining its educational aspects.

Ad Campaign

Since dialects are something that everybody is exposed to whether they know it or not, the focus of the Campaign is to create linguistic awareness around dialects from different regions and creeds of the country. For this strategy, Each ad focuses on a different benefit of the exhibition through an informational yet fun positioning. Not only would the imagery of these ads be eye catching but they would be able to highlight diversity around dialects themselves by implying their differences.


The Syracuse Orchestra | Social Media Design